Amyz's Lion King Club

My Lion King Family Tree (all my opinion)

I will put (OC) after all the characters I've made up. I will be updating it as regularly as possible

The first King and Queen of Pride Rock where King Kanaza I (OC) and Queen Lillia I (OC). They ended up in the PrideLands because they were a pair of rouges. They found the land and made it their home. Other lionesses and lions wanted to join the Pride and they appointed Kanaza and Lillia, King and Queen of the land. Their cub would be the next King/Queen and so on. Soon Queen Lillia gave birth to a male cub named Mohatu. Another lioness in the Pride gave birth to a female called Dafina (OC). 
Mohatu ans Dafina grew up and became mate. Soon, Kanaza and Lillia passed away and Mohatu and Dafina became the new King and Queen. They had a beautiful daughter named Uru. A male cub was also born, his name was Ahadi.
King Kanaza I
Lillia with baby Mohatu
Cub Dafina
Adult Mohatu
Cub Uru